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2021 Counties-Manukau 
Championships - RESULTS
Saturday 24 April 2021 - Papakura, Auckland

Overall Champions Photo.png

2021 NABBA Counties Manukau

Bodybuilding Championships
Saturday 24th April 2021

Papakura, Auckland





Counties Manukau Overall Ms. Shape

Rhiannon Lelieveld


Counties Manukau Overall Ms. Physique

Lara Crosby


Counties Manukau Overall Mr. Physique

Jed Bonnevie


Counties Manukau Ms. Classic Women

Josephine Nathan


Counties Manukau Mr. Body-Board Shorts

Josh Haimona


Counties Manukau Mr. Athletic

Rick Ujfalussy







Novice Shape

1.    Siobhan Voyce

2.    Maya Thomas

3.    Kate Assink


Shape 30+

1.    Sandra Weichart


Open Shape

1.    Rhiannon Lelieveld


Novice Physique Women

1.    Yvonne O’Brien


Physique Women 40+

1.    Lara Crosby                                


Physique Women 50+

1.    Wendy Sole

2.    Sarndra Szpetnar


Masters 50+

1.    Paraire Fletcher


Masters 60+

1.    Charlie Choi


Masters 70+

1.    Jack Apelu


Novice Mr. Body-Board Shorts

1.    Josh Haimona

2.    Desmond Crighton

3.    Herbert Uati

4.    Kyle Mahedevan


Athletic 40+

1.    Bevan Assink

2.    Darryl Barrett


Athletic 50+

1.    Rick Ujfalussy


Classic Women

1.    Josephine Nathan

2.    Patricia Brevis


Masters 40+

1.    Xiaojun Cao


Novice Physique Men Tall

1.    Jed Bonnevie


Best Male Performance

Rick Ujfalussy


Best Female Performance

Lara Crosby


2019 Top Counties Manukau Gym Award

Waiuku Health & Fitness

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